Pendidikan Pancasila Kls 7 BS

by Kurikulum Merdeka

Books & Reference


This Android application is a Pancasila Education Student Book for SMP / MTs Class VII Independent Curriculum. In Pdf format.To support the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Pancasila Education subjects, the main Pancasila Education textbook has been prepared, consisting of a Students Book and a Teachers Guidebook. Both are one of the main learning sources to be used by educational units implementing the Independent Curriculum. The book currently being developed refers to the Learning Outcomes of the Independent Curriculum which provides flexibility for educational units in developing the potential and interests of students according to their respective characteristics. The main textbook of Pancasila Education is presented in the form of various learning activities to achieve competency in Learning Outcomes.In developing the main Pancasila Education textbook, the Ministry of Education and Culture coordinates and collaborates with the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) as the body that carries out government duties in the field of Pancasila ideology development.BPIP has the authority to ensure that the content of Pancasila learning in books reflects and strengthens the values ​​of Pancasila which is the basis of state ideology. The collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Culture and BPIP in developing the main Pancasila Education textbook allows for the integration of a deep understanding of Pancasila and its practices in social, national and state life.We would like to thank all parties involved and collaborating in the process of preparing the main Pancasila Education textbook. We really hope that this book will be used as a guide for all educational units throughout Indonesia in an effort to produce Pancasila Students. Lets continue to strengthen Pancasila Education with the spirit of Freedom to Learn to form the next generation with integrity, ethics and a national spirit.Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.Happy reading.Disclaimer:This Student Book or Teachers Guide is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture.Material sourced from We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.